The first grapevines were planted in 1995 and in the following years, after the success of this first planting, many more hectares were added. Present day, Pemberley have 75 hectares including Pinot Noir, Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, Semillon, Merlot, Pinot Gris and Prosecco.

Black Truffles are our most recently added crop, with about 1100 inoculated oak and hazelnut host-trees planted in 2016 and 2018. We were thrilled to find our first truffle in 2022, and are eagerly waiting to reach a commercial crop quantity.

We take great pride in our Angus cows, a Scottish breed of small beef cattle. We have about 70 breeders that are pasture-fed, producing high-quality beef. Pemberley heifers are in great demand locally for future breeders, consistently topping the local market at cattle sales.

Potatoes are important to us as they have been traditionally grown on this property for three generations. We grow Nadine, Royal Blue and Rodeo for the domestic market, and Innovator, Ranger Russets and Nooksaks for the processing french-fry market. Small quantities of these are available to the public through our cellar door at the start of the year.

We have been registered breeders of pedigree Labrador Retrievers for 25+ years. We aim to produce healthy high quality pets and now truffle dogs. Our lines are currently crossing Australia's best show dog lines with world class detection dogs. The puppies are reared in and around our family, resulting in friendly, family-oriented puppies. For more information, please view our webpage about our labradors.

Marron, a local freshwater crayfish, are naturally occurring in our dams. These crustaceans live in freshwater and resembles a large crayfish but doesn't at all taste like one. We sell to Forest Fresh Marron who supply Marron to restaurants and also when ordered ahead, these are available for sale through our cellar door.

Pemberley of Pemberton are proud to use the Genuine Southern Forests Brand.